Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Few Late Bloomers

It's getting late, really late, but there is still time for a single pink poppy. The rest went to seed weeks if not months ago .
Most of the gloriosa daisies are dried up and brown. This one is gorgeous! Several of the plants that should bloom next year are giving it a go now. Will they bloom again next season?

One remaining flower stem on the Stella d'oro lilies is blooming.

This mallow is looking great. You might say their timing is off. Perhaps these particular blooms have a big ego and wanted to be noticed, and so they were!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your header just pulls a person right in. Love it. I knew you were living some place north before I looked at your sidebar. Your plants are too healthly looking for the drought we've had..I'm in NC. I'm envious. Very pretty blog and it was nice visiting today.