Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall Flowers and Patchy Frost

I love these fall flowers. Around here we have golden rod in many places . There is a magnificent yellow glow all around. The gorgeous purple of the New England asters is less prevalent, but still the combination brings joy to my heart. We are working on increasing the asters by moving them into the garden. I have learned by observation that the deer seek out the aster plants for eating.

As much as I know these flowers signal fall, the words "patchy frost" in last night's weather forecast came as a shock to me. While it is true we are not in the most frost prone area, it's too close for comfort. I put on a jacket, turned on the porch lights and went out in the dark to bring in my sweet bays. In my experience they can be touchy and sometimes just a whisper of frost is enough to make them drop dead. It's not worth the chance.

The rest of the week's temperatures look better but the warning has been sounded. Procrastination has to stop. The time is now to get in the rest of the harvest taken care of. This year's garden is winding down . It's an ending for sure, but it's also the beginning of the glorious fall season .

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